Street Feeding Programme
Quarterly since June 2021, we organise Street Feeding Programme to provide food for the homeless, destitute, orphans, widows and needy on the streets. We use this programme to speak one-one with beneficiaries to find out about peculiar needs and assistance we may provide to them.
This programme has fed over 1500 individuals across the three (3) times it has been performed. The smiles and appreciations it bring each time has been very encouraging for us and our partners.
Skill Acquisition Programmes
JJHHI’s skill acquisition train the youth and mostly women on businesses – event decorations, sewing, catering, hair styling, fashion designing, leather works and lots more. We have successfully trained men in cultivation of cash crops – maize, cassava, tomatoes and animal farming – poultry, piggery, fishing, snails and bees keeping. and a lot more are learning other skills such as leather works, event decoration and management and other skills.
Our organisation seeks to help individuals to be empowered and self-reliant through the regular vocational training where more than 3000 women, young girls and men have benefited.
Oftentimes, in the course of our various outreaches we encounter people who need counselling and guidance in career, breaking addictions, coping with grieves and other diverse issues. We have had to engage professional counsellors many times to ensure proper support, guidance and counsels are provided for these people.
Relief & Welfare
Jehovah Jireh Helping Hands Initiative organizes outreaches at least twice a year to reach out to the less-privileged in our societies with relief materials such as clothes, food stuffs, daily needs, shoes e.t.c.
Health Care/Support
It is a known fact that accessing basic health is a great challenge in our communities, and many individuals are in need of some kind of medical attention or the other which are always out of their reach.
JJHHI assists in our own little ways where we could by paying for simple diagnostic tests or treatments. Our current list of individuals in need of assistance in health care from eye issues to infertility, infections, family planning, cervical and breast cancer screening and other health challenges is a long one.
In 2023, our intention is to make the medical outreaches more than the two (2) we do annually to four (4) in order to reach out to more in need of our support.